Treat Hiatal hernia, Hoarseness, Hot flashes, Hyperhidrosis With Homeopathy Hiatal hernia Alternate the following granules 3 time...
Treat Hiatal hernia, Hoarseness, Hot flashes, Hyperhidrosis With Homeopathy
Hiatal hernia
Alternate the following granules 3 times per day, until disappearance of symptoms
3 granules of IPECA 5 CH
3 granules of ARGENTUM NITRICUM 5 CH
3 granules of IRIS VERSICOLOR 5 CH
[1:46 PM, 1/16/2020] Muhammed Sayeed: Hiccup
3 granules alternated every 2 minutes Cuprum 7CH, Hyoscyamus 7CH
After meals : Nux Vomica 5CH.
Take 3 granules 3 times per day :
Laryngitis after a dry cold : Aconit 7CH.
Laryngitis, feeling thorn in the throat : Argentum Nitricum 7CH.
Vocal tiredness : Arum triphyllum 7CH.
Aphonia + severe pain : Causticum 7CH.
Nervous aphonia : Ignatia 7CH.
Hoarseness worsened in the evening : Phosphorus 7CH.
Aphonia improved when speaking : Rhus Tox 7CH.
Hot flashes
Many limited action remedies can complete the prescription of basic remedies: 3 formula, three times per day.
Aconit : Congestive hot flashes in an agitated, anxious patient, with fear of dying.
Belladonna : The face is red, hot, sweaty.
Veratrum Viride : Head congestion with vein beats worsened at the end of menstruation
Gelsemium : Fright, inhibition, trembling medicine.
Hot flashes worsened by menstruation occuring : Actea Racemosa.
Hot flashes improved by menstruation reccurence: Lachesis 9CH.
During a nervous depression : Aurum 9CH
Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for an excessive sweating
Take 3 granules 3 times per day.
According to symptoms :
While falling asleep, Calcarea Carbonica 7CH.
Obesity, Calcarea Carbonica 9CH.
At any exercise, China 5CH.
After a severe illness (infectious), China 5CH.
After meals : Natrum Muriaticum 5CH.
After fear : Opium 9CH.
Aggravation at night, Mercurius solubilis 5CH.
Aggravation within an overheated room, Pulsatilla 7CH.
Hot sweats : Chamomilla 5CH.
Sweats that wear out : China 7CH.
With salt elimination : Natrum Muriaticum 9CH
Bad odor : during fever : Mercurius solubilis 7CH.
Under the arm : Sepia 5CH.
Legs : Silicea 7CH en dose.
Of the body : Thuya 9CH en dose
Depending on the cause.
At menopause : Pilocarpus 9CH.
While waking up : Sambucus Nigra 5CH.
Emotional sweating : Cyclamen 7CH.
During menstruation : Veratrum Album 7CH.
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