Treat Itching, Kidney Stone, Laryngitis, Light Insomnia, Liver Crisis, Loss of Appetite With Homeopathy. Itching According to...
Treat Itching, Kidney Stone, Laryngitis, Light Insomnia, Liver Crisis, Loss of Appetite With Homeopathy.
According to placement : 3 granules 3 times per day.
Scrotum: Croton 5CH,
Genital itching : Caladium 7CH in the morning, causticum 5CH in the evening,
Palms : Anagallis 7CH,
Back of the hands : Mezereum 5CH,
Fingers : Selenium 5CH,
Anus : Teucrium Marum 7CH.
According to the origin :
Nervous itching : Ignatia 7CH alternated with Ambra Grisea 5CH
Allergic itching : Serum equi 5CH.
Due to worms : Cina 7CH
According to symptoms : Worsened by alcohol : Chloralium 7CH,
by heat : Dolichos Pruriens 7CH,
by wool : Psorinum 7CH,
by scraping : Mezereum 5CH,
by undressing or by open air : Rumex Crispus 7CH.
Improved by scraping : Rhus Tox 9CH,
by cold water : Fagopyrum 7CH,
by heat: Arsenicum album 7CH,
by cold : Sulfur 7CH
Kidney stone
Hepatic colic (biliary tract spasms)
Berberis Vulgaris 5CH, Calcarea Carbonicum 5CH, Magnesia Phos. 9CH alternatively 3 granules, every quarter of an hour.
Nephritic colic (spasms of the urinary tract).
Put in a bottle slightly mineralized water :
Belladonna 5CH, Berberis Vulgaris 5CH, Lycopodium 5CH, Pareira Brava 5CH. Drink during daytime.
In case a laryngitis, accompanied by a red and dry throat, suddenly occurs, but you do not want to have water or any other liquids, try one dose of Belladone 30 CH every two hours, and in case in two days time your state is not improved, or in case you notice white spots in the back of your throat, search your doctor or your homeopath.
Light Insomnia
For relieving the small insomnia crisis, try to take one dose of 30 CH of one of the following medicines, one hour before going to sleep during 20 consecutive nights, doctor Andrew Lockie suggests to repeat the dose in case you wake up and have difficulties to fall asleep again. In case you can not calm your mind after having received good or bad news, doctor Lockie suggests to take Coffea. He recommends Pulsatilla in case you are agitated when going to sleep, in case you turn too hot or too cold, in case you lack thirst and your insomnia seems to become worse after eating a rich meal, Ignatia is an appropriate medicine. In case you yawn a lot, but are able to fall asleep, if you fear not being able to sleep or have nightmares when you fall asleep. In case you are anxious, worried or agitated, if you have bad dreams about fire or danger, and if you are still awake between midnight and two o’clock in the morning, he suggests to try Arsenicum. Lycopodium can relieve you in case you speak and laugh during your sleep, if you often wake up around 4 o’clock in the morning and if your mind is usually very restless in bed.
Liver Crisis
Alternate the following granules 3 times per day, until disappearance of symptoms
3 granules of SEPIA OFFICINALIS 5 CH
3 granules of NUX VOMICA 5 CH
3 granules of CHELIDONIUM MAJUS 5 CH
Loss of Appetite
In the morning : Aceticum Acidum 5CH followed by China 5CH
In the evening : Nux Vomica 5CH 5 granules.
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