Treat Faintness, Discomfort, Dizziness, Fever, Fibromyalgia & Flu With Homeopathy Faintness, discomfort, dizziness Lipothymi...
Treat Faintness, Discomfort, Dizziness, Fever, Fibromyalgia & Flu With Homeopathy
Faintness, discomfort, dizziness
Lipothymie vagale : The fact of being in a confined space can cause faintness. This sometimes happens when body lacks oxygen or when metabolism is not functioning properly. For treating discomfort, a medication of five granules of Pulsatilla 9 CH is recommended, to be repeated until improvement. But in case faintness occurs after a suffocating heat, Antimonium 9 CH is the most appropriate remedy. Five granules must be taken and must be repeated until improvement. Finally, when faintness is caused by sunstroke, a medication of five granules of Glonoinum 9 CH is indicated.
Faintness caused by a decrease in blood pressure : In case the discomfort is accompanied by pallor, sweat and an exhaustion feeling, five granules of China 5 CH taken two times a day, is the most appropriate remedy
Faintness caused by an emotional shock : In case the discomfort is characterized by a sensation of tingling prior to a crisis of hysteria or hyperventilation, Moschus 7 CH is indicated. But in case faintness is followed by a fainting, Ignatia 9 CH is often prescribed.
Sometimes, emotion causes to the patient a significant weakening accompanied by a feeling of emptiness. In this case, a medication of Gelsemium 7 CH is prescribed, especially if the discomfort causes muscle weakness in the legs. For all these remedies, 5 granules of each have to be taken at regular time periods until improvement.
Give 3 granules every half an hour.
Fever rising sharply, following to an exposure to bitter cold, dry skin, anxiety, severe thirst for cold water : Aconit 15 CH.
High fever with red, warm and moist skin, succeeding exposure to cold, sunstroke, or after having wet feet or wet hair : Belladona 9 CH.
Moderately high fever, 38,5°C, shiny eyes, alternating pallor and redness : Ferrum phosphoricum 5 CH. This is often preceded by a nasopharyngitis, a bronchitis or a otitis.
Fever with chills, severe thirst, very dry mouth, with absolute desire for rest and stillness : Bryoniqa 5 CH
High fever with pallor and absence of thirst, prostration, depression, tremblings, sweating, painful tiredness : Gelsemium 9 CH.
Fever with slimy and smelly sweating : Mercurius solubilis 5 CH.
Fibromyalgia, or polyalgic diffuse idiopathic syndrome (SPID), is a disease characterized by a cronic painful muscle condition (diffuse myalgia) extended or localized to different body regions, which particularly manifests by a tactile allodynia and a persistent asthenia (tiredness).
For treating pains that can be relieved through massage, mouvement or heat, you have to take Colocynthis in 200 k one time per week. The patient can treat psychological symptoms such as irritability, by accompanying the treatment with 3 granules of Rhus toxicodendron en 5 CH, in an amount of 2 medications per day. Taking Arsenicum Album in 4 CH, in an amount of 3 granules 2 times per day, during 6 weeks, allows to calm agitation, anxiety and sensation of internal burns. Inflammation of the mucous membranes accompanied by chronic tiredness, can be relieved with Alumina in 12 CH, with a dosage of 5 granules to be taken once a week. It is also possible to use Bryonia in 4 CH without associating it with Rhus toxicodendron. For relieving pain in the fingers, take Benzoïcum Acidum in 4 CH during 2 months. Relieve pain in the shoulders with Ferrum Metallicum for a two months treatment.
In prevention :
Take on every Sunday starting with October :
Influenzinum in scale : 7CH, then, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 30CH,
Manganèse-Cuivre, 2 times per week.
Cuivre-or-Argent, 3 times per week, une dose.
In case of a flu :
From the first chills, take 3 ampoules of Cuivre par jour + 1 dose d'Oscillococcinum 200, to be repeated two times daily.
Painful flu : 3 granules alternated every 10 minutes :Gelsemium 9CH, Eupatorium 4CH, Rhus Tox 7CH (in case of painful tiredness).
After flu, for removing toxins :
Within 5 days of healing : 1 dose of Sulfur 7CH
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