Treat Difficult Digestion, Ent Disorders, Eczema, Excessive Sweating & Bad Odor With Homeopathy Difficult digestion Take ...
Treat Difficult Digestion, Ent Disorders, Eczema, Excessive Sweating & Bad Odor With Homeopathy
Difficult digestion
Take 5 granules 3 times per day or more selected remedies, (before or after meals), according to symptoms.
Heaviness after meals: in case of a feeling of too full a stomach, with white tongue such as the milk spread over: Antimonium Crudum 7CH.
of sensation of stone in the stomach : Bryonia 5CH.
in case of a feeling of too full a stomach, with coated tongue in its posterior part : Nux Vomica 5CH
Before a frugal meal : Nux Vomica 5CH, 5 granules half an hour before .
ENT disorders
In case of a cold with sneezing, the prescribed dose of Nux vomica is 5 granules per hour for a dilution of 5 CH. The dose is to be reduced according to the improvement of the patient’s state. An allergic cold is treated with Nux vomica 15 CH in an amount of 5 granules at bedtime. This dose will have to be repeated at each crisis.
Take 5 granules 2 times per day.
According to the cause :
Big eaters : Antimonium Crudum 7CH
After vaccination : Mezereum 5CH + basic treatment : Thuya 15CH 1 dose on Sunday evening.
According to symptoms :
1) Aggravation.
aggravated by the sea, by the sun : Natrum Muriaticum 7CH
aggravated in wintertime : Petroleum 7CH
aggravated by water : Sulfur 7CH
2) Improvement.
Improved by heat : Arsenicum Album 7CH.
Improved by cold : Sulfur 7CH.
According to appearance. Pink eczema : Apis 7CH
Dry fine powder: Arsenicum Album 5CH
Dry with large scales: Arsenicum Iodatum 7CH
With red skin : Belladonna 5CH
With large bubbles: Cantharis 7CH
With sweating : Graphites 5CH et Pix liquida 5CH
With crusts : Mezereum 5CH
With bloody cracks: Nitricum Acidum 7CH
With vesicles : Rhus Toxicodendron 9CH.
In case of dyshidrosis : Rhux Vernix 7CH.
According to placement :
Anus : Berberis 5CH.
Genital parts : Crotum tiglium 7CH.
Mouth (the round of the Mouth) : Sepia 5CH.
Elbow (fold) : Berberis Vulgaris 5CH.
Forehead : Natrum Muriaticum 5CH
Wrist and Chin : Primula obsconica 5CH.
Behind ears : Graphites 7CH
In the ear canal : Psorinum 7CH
Foot horn : Antimonium crudum 9CH.
Palms : Anagallis 7CH
Excessive sweating
Take 3 granules 3 times per day.
According to symptoms.
While falling asleep, Calcarea Carbonica 7CH.
Obesity, Calcarea Carbonica 9CH.
At the slightest exercise, China 5CH.
After a severe illness (infectious), China 5CH.
After meals : Natrum Muriaticum 5CH.
After fear : Opium 9CH.
Aggravation at night, Mercurius solubilis 5CH.
Aggravation within an overheated room, Pulsatilla 7CH.
Hot sweats : Chamomilla 5CH.
Sweats that exhaust: China 7CH.
With salt elimination : Natrum Muriaticum 9CH
Bad odor
During fever : Mercurius solubilis 7CH.
under the arms : Sepia 5CH.
legs : Silicea 7CH en dose.
Of the body : Thuya 9CH en dose
Depending on the cause.
At menopause : Pilocarpus 9CH.
while waking up : Sambucus Nigra 5CH.
emotional sweating : Cyclamen 7CH.
during menstruation : Veratrum Album 7CH
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