Treat Cramps and Muscle Pains, Cuts, Scratches and Scrapes, Cystitis, Decalcification, Delirium & Dental Abscess With Homeopathy ...
Treat Cramps and Muscle Pains, Cuts, Scratches and Scrapes, Cystitis, Decalcification, Delirium & Dental Abscess With Homeopathy
Cramps and muscle pains
For immediate relief: Rub the sore muscle with Arnica ointment, then apply a cloth soaked in warm water, four times a day
In case of a breakdown : China 5CH, 1 granule per hour
In case of a sprain :Ruta 7CH, 1 granule per hour
In case of contractures : Actaea Racemosa 5CH, 3 granules, 3 times per day
In case of painful tiredness : Rhus Toxicodendron 5CH, 3 granules, 3 times per day
Generally, you can take 5 granules of Cuprum 5CH, Magnesia Phos. 5CH every morning and evening, alternatively.
In case the cramp occurs at night or while eating : Oenothera 5CH.
For aged persons : Nux Vomica 5CH to alternate with Causticum 5CH and Plumbum 5CH.
Writer’s cramps : Argentum Nitricum 7CH, Magnesia Phos. 7CH.
If relieved by bending the foot : Colocynthis 9CH 5 granules 2 times per day.
In case of arteritis : Secale Cornutum 5CH : 2 times per day, and Baryta carb 9CH 1 dose every Sunday.
Cuts, scratches and scrapes
Clean the wound with soap and water, then apply Calendula en pommade, says doctor Fleisher. In case of a painful scrape or scratch, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the wound with a mixture of 20 drops of Calendula tincture and 20 drops of Hypericum tincture dissolved in approximately 100 ml of water. Then, apply a sterile bandage soaked in this mixture, two or three times per day, until the wound is cured.
Alternate the following granules 3 times per day, until disappearance of symptoms
3 granules of COLIBACILLINUM 5 CH
3 granules of SEPIA OFFICINALIS 5 CH
3 granules of CANTHARIS 5 CH
At wake-up : Silicea 7CH, 5 granules.
In the morning : Natrum Mur. 4CH
At bedtime : Symphytum 5CH.
On Sunday : Calcarea Phos. 9CH 1 dose, during 2 months.
For treating fever accompanied by delirium, the patient has to take 5 granules of Belladonna 15 to 30 CH every quarter of an hour. If the person suffering from delirium is violent or is kicking, it is recommended to administrate him 3 granules of Belladona 9 CH, 3 times per day. If the patient behaves as a mad person, yells and cries, it is necessary to calm these symptoms with Cantharis 9 CH, 3 granules 3 times per day. If the patient presents delirium symptoms related to fear, 5 granules of Cuprum metallicum 15 CH daily taken, can prove to be efficient. The person suffering from delirium may feel a presence when lying in his bed. In this case, 3 granules of Petroleum 9 CH taken hourly, is the appropriate remedy. Besides, 3 granules of Phosphoricum acidum 9 CH, 2 times per day is the recommended treatment for the patient that presents symptoms of the calm delirium. The homeopath’s remedy Hyoscyamus niger in dilution with 15 CH also treats delirium which manifests by a changing mood and paranoia. One dose of this medecine per week, during one month, can improve the patient’s state.
Dental abscess
Belladonna 5CH in an amount of 3 granules, 3 times per day.
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