Treat Alcoholism, Allergies, Amenorrhea, Anemia, Angina & Annoyance With Homeopathy Alcoholism Prolonged treatment, using ba...
Treat Alcoholism, Allergies, Amenorrhea, Anemia, Angina & Annoyance With Homeopathy
Prolonged treatment, using background remedies.
5 granules in 5CH in an amount of 2 times per day, weekly alternated :
SÉPIA : fat liver, the patient can not lie on the left side. Pain dissapears when he lies on the right side.
NATRUM SULF Many digestive signs : tongue with thick, greenish coating. Diarrheas after breakfast. Fat, painful liver, with stinging pains, improved when lying on the left side.
MERCURIUS : thick tongue with yellowish coating, keeping the teeth sign. Significant salivation. Liquid diarrheas or constipation. Worsened if lying on the right side.
LYCOPODIUM : sensitive and painful liver (heaviness). The patient can not lie on his right side.
PHOSPORUS :Hungry, he wakes up at night for eating, does not know on which side to lie down for sleeping.
It is generally treated an acute fever through homeopathic means. If you sneeze a lot and you have itching, watery eyes, and running nose, doctor Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman recommends you to try 30 CH of allium cepa30 CH of Euphrasia, once or twice a day. If after seven days none of these drugs seem to relieve your symptoms, consult your doctor or your homeopath
In case of primary amenorrhea (delayed puberty in girls).
Natrum mur 9CH : 1 single dose
Pulsatilla 7CH : 3 granules at wake-up
Ferrum phos 5CH : 3 granules at 10 o’clock a.m. and at 4 o’clock p.m.
Manganum 5CH : 3 granules at bedtime.
In case of secondary amenorrhea (due to many causes) :
After fear : Aconit 15CH 1 dose
After a cold : Aconit 7CH 1 dose
After anger : Colocynthis 9CH or Nux Vomica 9CH 1 dose
After trauma : Arnica 15CH 1 dose.
Systematically, Senecio 9CH, 1 dose the day before presumed menstruation.
The homeopathic doctor will often jointly associate allopathy and homeopathy : Allopathy will provide the body what it lacks of : iron, B12 vitamin, and homeopathy will provide the necessary catalysts for fixing allopathy.
In a case of little severeness, you can take three granules three times per day, if anemia is accompanied by
tiredness : China 5CH
hot flashes : Ferrum Metallicum 6CH.
loss of strength : Natrum Muriaticum 7CH.
We can treat a severe angina by homeopathy, if symptoms quickly dissapear (less than 24 hours), if not contact the doctor for resorting to an antibiotic than rather take a risk of superinfection.
Sore throats, according to symptoms : Take 5 granules, 2 to 4 times per day.
Belladona 4CH, In case of a quick occurence, in case of an acute red throat, in case of throat dryness, in case of a worsening when drinking cold.
Mercurius solubilis 4CH, in case of a less brutal occurence, in case of a less red throat and in case of no drought with no white dots.
Apis 4CH, in case of edema without thirst
Lachesis 5CH, in case of an untouchable neck, with the left amygdala being the most affected.
Lycopodium 5CH, in case the right amygdala is the most affected.
Phytolacca 4CH, in case of a dark red and dry throat.
Cantharis 4CH, in case of a burning throat and severe thirst.
Mercurius solubilis, in case of a throat with white dots.
Kali muriaticum 5CH, scrapings report a gray secretion.
Kali bichr. 4CH, yellow ulcerations and secretions, improved by drinking warm.
Hepar sulfuris calcareum 9CH, in case of a threat of phlegmon.
The following remedies are recommended in case of emotional disorders, such as annoyance, emotion, fear, stress, bereavement, etc
Alternate the following granules 3 times per day, until disappearance of symptoms
3 granules of IGNATIA AMARA 9 CH
3 granules of STAPHYSAGRIA 9 CH
3 granules of ACONITUM NAPELLUS 9 CH
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